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Lose Weight with Green Tea, to Burn Fat

After hearing that you can lose weight with green tea, I started drinking three cups every day. Green tea really does help burn fat!

According to a study by the University of Geneva, green tea contains plant chemicals called "catechin polyphenols" that increase fat oxidation (fat burning) in the body.

Green tea also has many other health benefits. It boosts mental alertness, strengthens the immune system, decreases stress, and may even fight cancer. But the fat-burning effect is the main reason I drink it.

Green tea: so many health benefits, and it burns fat too!

fat burning foods

I'm not one to sit around and sip tea, though. So I do things a little differently. Rather than drinking tea from a cup, I combine my tea-drinking and water-drinking strategies.

As I mention on my benefits of drinking water page, I stash 16.9 oz water bottles everywhere and keep refilling them. That's how I drink a half-gallon of water a day without even thinking about it.

Don't like tea? Green tea extract is available in capsule form.

To get my daily dose of green tea, I steep my tea bags in the 16.9 oz water bottles. Yes, I know that may sound strange, but it saves a lot of time. Each day I place a bag of green tea in three of my water bottles.

Note: After awhile the bottles will get stained by the tea. It's best to thrown them out and get new bottles at that point.

When I drink those bottles, I not only get my 16.9 oz of water, I also get a cup's worth of green tea nutrients (including the fat-burning catechin polyphenols).

When I started doing this the biggest obstacle was the taste. Green tea is bitter! I could add Splenda or another no-calorie sweetener, I suppose, but to me that's too much trouble. Anyway, within a week I had simply become accustomed to the taste.

For some reason, unsweetened green tea from a cup is still unappealing. But when I drink the tea down quickly in my 16.9 oz. bottle it doesn't bother me a bit.

Probably the reason is that tea in a cup is often heated and usually sipped. That means the bitter taste is on the tongue longer.

On the other hand, when you drink tea quickly from a bottle the bitter taste is gone fast. I don't even notice the taste anymore.

Whether you like my "green tea in a bottle" method or not, find some way to drink at least two cups of green tea a day.

Lose weight with green tea! It's a really simple way to burn more fat.

[+] References for Green Tea Weight Loss

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